Cazare Apartment with Flowers

Apartment with Flowers

Maximum 3 adults, or 2 adults and 2 children

Check In: ​​15.00
Check Out: 11.00 am

For reservations with children, please take into account their supervision during the entire stay, because in the yard and inside there are many old and valuable decorative art objects.
Room facilities:
  • TV / Cable / Satellite
  • Hairdryer
Unit policies:
Check In: ora 15.00
Check Out: ora 11.00

Pentru rezervari cu copii, va rugam frumos sa luati in calcul supravegherea acestora pe întreagă perioada a șederii, deoarece in curte şi în interior exista numeroase obiecte de artă decorative vechi şi de valoare. 

Prices /day

Accomodation 600 LEI
Breakfast included
Lunch /pers 70 LEI
Dinner /pers 90 LEI
02 Ian - 23 Dec 2025
Accomodation 600 LEI
Breakfast included
Lunch /pers 70 LEI
Dinner /pers 90 LEI

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